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GMD - 1879, Click To Enlarge

George MacDonald: A Bibliography
(My complete GMD bio/commentary is here).



The following is from Ronald MacDonald's essay/book, From a Northern Window:

"In a literary life of some forty-two years George MacDonald Produced some fifty-two volumes, of which twenty-five may be classed as novels, three as prose fantasies, eight as tales and allegories for children, five as sermons, three as literary and miscellaneous critical essays, and three as collections of short stories; and five volumes of verse, the greater part of which, with many poems gathered from the pages of the prose works, arranged in two volumes and finally revised by his own hand, was reissued in 1893."

A few of the following are collections in which some of the same works appear more than once.

Within and Without, a Poem, 1855, Longmans, Brown, Green.

Poems, 1857, Longmans, Brown, Green.

Phantastes (A Faerie Romance for Men and Women), 1858, Smith, Elder.

David Elginbrod, 1863, Hurst & Blackett.

Adela Cathcart, 1864, Hurst & Blackett.

The Portent (A Story Of The Inner Vision Of The Highlanders Commonly Called The Second Sight), 1864, Smith Elder

Alec Forbes of Howglen, 1865, Hurst & Blackett.

Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood, 1867, Hurst & Blackett.

Dealings with the Fairies, 1867, Strahan.

The Disciple and other Poems, 1867, Strahan.

Unspoken Sermons, 1st Series, 1867, Strahan.

Unspoken Sermons, 2nd Series, 1885, Longmans, Green.

Unspoken Sermons, 3rd Series, 1889, Longmans, Green.

Guild Court, 1888, Hurst & Blackett.

Robert Falconer, 1868, Hurst & Blackett.

The Seaboard Parish, 1868, Tinsley Bros.

The Miracles of our Lord, 1870, Strahan.

At the Back of the North Wind, 1871, Strahan.

Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood, 1871, Strahan.

Works of Fancy and Imagination, (chiefly reprints in several volumes), 1871, Chatto & Windus.

The Princess and the Goblin, 1872, Strahan.

The Vicar's Daughter, 1872, Tinsley Bros.

Wilfrid Cumbermede, 1872, Hurst & Blackett.

Gutta Percha Willie (The Working Genius), 1873, Henry S. King.

England's Antiphon, 1874, Macmillan.

Malcolm, 1875, Henry S. King.

The Wise Woman (A Parable), 1875, Strahan.

Thomas Wingfold, Curate, 1876, Hurst & Blackett.

St. George and St. Michael, 1876, Henry S. King.

Exotics: A Translation (in verse) of the Spiritual Songs of Novalis, the Hymn Book of Luther and other Poems from the German and Italian, 1876, Strahan.

The Marquis of Lossie, 1877, Hurst & Blackett.

Sir Gibbie, 1879, Hurst & Blackett.

Paul Faber, Surgeon, 1879, Hurst & Blackett.

A Book of Strife, in the form of the Diary of an Old Soul, 1880, Printed privately.

Mary Marston, 1881, Sampson Low.

Castle Warlock, A Homely Romance, 1882, Sampson Low.

Weighed and Wanting, 1882, Sampson Low.

The Gifts of the Christ Child, and other Tales, 1882, Sampson Low.

Orts, 1882, Sampson Low.

A Dish of Orts (an enlarged edition of Orts), 1893, Sampson Low.

Donal Grant, 1883, Kegan Paul.

A Threefold Cord (Poems by Three Friends), edited by George MacDonald, 1883, Printed privately.

The Princess and Curdie, 1883, Chatto & Windus.

The Tragedie of Hamlet (with a study of the text of the Folio of 1623), 1885, Longmans, Green.

What's Mine's Mine, 1886, Kegan Paul.

Home Again, a Tale, 1887, Kegan Paul.

The Elect Lady, 1888, Kegan Paul.

Cross Purposes, and The Shadows: Two Fairy Stories, (reprinted from Dealings with the Fairies), 1886, Blackie & Sons.

A Rough Shaking, a Tale, 1890, Blackie & Sons.

There and Back, 1891, Kegan Paul.

The Flight of the Shadow, 1891, Kegan Paul.

A Cabinet of Gems (Cut and polished by Sir Philip Sidney, now for their more radiance presented without their setting by George MacDonald), 1891, Elliot Stock.

The Hope of the Gospel, 1892, Ward, Lock, Bowden.

Heather and Snow, 1893, Chatto & Windus.

Lilith, a Romance, 1895, Chatto & Windus.

Rampolli: Growths from a Long-planted Root, being translations chiefly from the German, along with A Year's Diary of an Old Soul (Poems), 1897, Longmans, Green.

Salted with Fire, a Tale, 1897, Hurst & Blackett.

Poetical Works of George MacDonald, (Mostly reprints but MacDonald modified many of the poems) 1893, Chatto & Windus.

Most of MacDonald's books are available as a free download through Gutenberg: MacDonald Gutenberg


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